Friday, May 7, 2010

Lake Murray Kicked My Butt!!!

I naively assumed that because I was able to run 7 miles the other weekend, that I would have no problem whatsoever with a 6 mile run around Lake Murray. Let me just say that a totally flat 7 mile run on my own is a LOT different than a 6 mile run on a more hilly course with a toddler in a jogging stroller. A LOT different. Granted, there aren't enormous hills around the lake path -- but they sure FEEL pretty enormous after five miles of running with a stroller.
The first two miles of any run aren't really fun for me. By the third mile I'm a little more into the running groove. When we hit the turnaround point in the run, I was feeling pretty good -- we'd run the whole way at a good pace (considering the uphill jags) - stopping only twice really quickly: once for me to take B's sweatshirt off & once for me to give him a juice box. The way back was pretty rough -- my legs and butt were in PAIN from pushing B up the hills (which I admit I was probably trying to do too quickly just to get to the next blissful downward turn). And I will reiterate for anyone who says the hills aren't very big and shouldn't be a problem: try it with a stroller. ALL of it. ALL six miles. Ouch, ouch, ouch. If I didn't have my jogging stroller, there's no way we would have made it. We'd probably still be sitting out there, me collapsed on the side of the path while Billy chased the ducks around.
Billy did great on the run. I think he started to get a little restless towards the end -- but it had been more than an hour of running -- so he was a GREAT little companion. The juice box entertained him for awhile - -as did all of the dogs we passed and all of the other runners & walkers out at the lake. He would wave and say "hi" to everyone we passed & everyone thought he was just adorable! We saw a few other kiddies out in jogging strollers -- and lots of little old couples going for their morning stroll, and plenty of super-fit athletes springing past us like gazelles.
I think we'll definitely attempt it again...... someday......... after my body forgives me for putting it through the agony. I had to cut my Tuesday run down from 3.5 miles to 2 miles (not all of which I ran) because my legs were still just SO SORE -- they didn't want to run.
But we did it -- last time I attempted Lake Murray my sister & I walked (with B in his regular stroller) and we turned back around the 2.5 mile marker -- this time B & I ran all the way. :)

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